The following list of individuals have contributed to MEXCDF over the years, either
in the form of contributing mex file builds,
reporting bugs, pointing out documentation errors,
or writing and contributing code themselves.
Without the contributions of the community of users, there could be no MEXCDF.
Special credit is extended to Rich Signell, Jim Mansbridge, and Peter
McIntosh for their original work in writing MEXCDF (oh so many many
many years ago :-) and particularly to Chuck Denham for the first
C implementation of MEXNC and for carrying the torch for many years.
- David Alexander
- Julie Allen
- Hernan Arango
- Craig Baker
- Michael Bane
- Murray Burling
- Alex Cannon
- Olaf Dahl
- Charles Denham
- John Evans
- Jason Fritz
- Ray Garcia
- Jim Gardiner
- John Gilson
- Peter Goldstein
- Nelson Hogg
- Dave Hebert
- Kate Hedström
- Juergen Holfert
- Craig Lee
- Manuel Lopez
- Joaquim Luis
- Jim Mansbridge
- Marinna Martini
- Peter McIntosh
- Roy Mendelssohn
- Linda Meinke
- Christine Molling
- Ellyn Montgomery
- Felix Morsdorf
- Rachael Mueller
- Jan-Frode Myklebust
- Breck Owens
- Jan Rhebergen
- Steve Ruane
- Dan Rudnick
- Howard Salis
- Lucas Scharenbroich
- Brian Schlining
- Rich Signell
- Ritesh Sood
- Elizabeth Steffen
- Dan Stromberg
- Leif Thomas
- Dave Ullman
- Nicolas Wienders
- Patricia Wren
If you know of someone whom I've left out, please tell me.